7 Proven Stats that shows E-mail is still a Effective Digital Marketing Channel

Discover recent statistics about email marketing and how it converts more ROI than other digital marketing channels.

1) It has been observed by the marketers that there is an increase of 80% email engagement since the past 12 months in 2020 and the popularity has been gaining and growing. (Source: www.pinterest.com)

2) Around 60% marketers do believe there is potential in email marketing as it gives positive results and high ROI. Moreover, email marketing is considered to be not only affordable source but also a very high effective way too. (Source: www.callboxinc.com)

3) As in 2019, email users at the global level is estimated to be around 3.9 billion and it is expected by 2023, email users to increase to 4.3 billion. (Source: www.oberlo.in)

4) It is estimated that around 47% of email recipients do open emails once they find the subject to be appealing and interesting. (Source: www.peertopeermarketing.co)

5) On mentioning the subject line as “newsletter”, the chances of a recipient opening email reduces by 18.7%. This is because they feel that the content is more of a story or promotional. (Source: www.peertopeermarketing.co)

6) Around 64% of recipients read email messages on mobiles rather than laptop or desktop. This is because half of the population in the world uses mobile and do access the internet. (Source: www.callboxinc.com)

7) There are chances that around 8% of emails that have no subject to be opened rather than the ones that have subject. The reason for this is, recipients are either too curious to know the content or do not want to miss any information that is important in the mail. (Source: www.peertopeermarketing.com)

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